So, my husband and I are about to make an offer on an amazing Victorian house right outside of the city limits. It has incredible character and it is absolutely enormous! There will be plenty of room for us as we start a family, and we will obviously be there for quite a while. One of our criteria in our home search was that the house have a decent fenced-in yard. While this house has a million other things that I never imagined would be in our first home (like the square footage!), it does not have a fence. But, it DOES have a nice yard. I was researching fencing online today and it seems that it can be quite expensive to have someone come and build a fence for us. So, since there are many things we want to do to this house over time, we'll be doing as much of the work ourselves as we can to save money. So, I started researching building your own fence online, and specifically, "green" solutions to fencing. As you might imagine, there aren't many options for tree-friendly fencing. But, I did find one that I just adore. Every time I look at this picture, it makes me smile. Maybe we'll even use this idea in our backyard!
here for the full story.